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HTML File Text Editor How to Open Web Page Code in Windows Notepad

We would love to know what you think, so tell us in the comments below. Another software you can use is Apache OpenOffice. It is an office suite like the Microsoft Office Suite.

About Notepad++, we can say that it is an advanced version of Notepad with features like tabbed editing, Autosave, simultaneous editing, and multiple language support. Using Notepad++ we can convert files from .cfg/.config to XML, JSON, HTML and more. While most CFG files can be edited using Notepad++ but few .cfg files like celestia.cfg need a special tool for editing. In the case of Celestia, it will need a Celesia Config Manager. A file ending with the extension “CFG” contains configuration settings used on your computer. The file format is plain text, which means you can use a free plain text editor such as Windows Notepad to open, edit, and then save the file in the same CFG format.

  • If you want to stick to Notepad++ features, BBEdit 12 can also be a great alternative to Notepad++ which we normally install on Macs.
  • To enable this feature, for the entry with type DWORD and Name EnableBloombergHID, set the value to 1.
  • You should find them under the same advanced settings.
  • There is a now a directory functionlist in the np++-directory.

View, manage, and compare your images with this fast and intuitive freebie. FastStone Image Viewer supports a slew of image formats, including RAW image formats from specific digital camera manufacturers. It has companion apps for screenshots and photo resizing. You can spend a monthly ($9.99) or annual ($99.99) fee to go premium for better video/audio quality and to upload larger files.

Repairing or updating User Defined Language

The Notepad++ application is not, by itself, a compiler. This means that, while you can use the application to write code, you cannot use it to test the code. With the help of external software, such as MinGW, Notepad++ can be configured to compile and execute C and C++ code. And if you really want to be able to dedicate yourself to a text editor, you can try Vim and/or Emacs. Be warned though, since these editors aren’t very simple to use and require a long-term commitment to use.

In most programs, you can save a .cfg file by going to the File menu and selecting Save As. In the Save As dialog box, select All Files from the drop-down menu next to the File name field. Type the name of the file and add the .cfg extension. For example, if you want to save the file as config.cfg, type config.cfg in the File name field.

How to Set TextEdit to Default to Create Plain Text Documents

If you look in index.html, you’ll notice that it links to the file p5.js. If you would like to use the minified version , change the link to p5.min.js. Get coverage at every stage in your dev cycle—IDE to CI/CD and back, ensuring code fit for development and production.

How to Create an XML File

Furthermore, you can insert Variable Text in these column selections. By default, Notepad++ allows you to insert an initial number with an incremental value, so that you can create numbered lists on the fly. Background – Notepad++ is a powerful open source text editor for use with Windows. In this post, the Macro and the Column mode editing features of Notepad++ are illustrated.

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